# Upgrading from ABS 1 to 2

It's not always possible to release backwards compatible changes, and ABS is no exception to the rule: luckily, the major upgrade between version 1 and 2 should be extremely painless as there have been no syntax changes, but rather just a handful of function changes.

# Deprecated functions

  • the slice function you could use on arrays and strings has been removed. Use the index notation instead: [1, 2, 3].slice(0, 1) is equivalent to [1, 2, 3][0:1]
  • the contains function you could use on arrays and strings has been removed. Use the in operator instead: [1, 2, 3].contains(1) is equivalent to 1 in [1, 2, 3]

# Misc

The structure for decorators had to be slighly changed to allow substantial improvements (ABS 2's decorators are 100% aligned with Python's decorators which are extremely powerful).

Earlier, a decorator function would be declared as:

f log_if_slow(original_fn, treshold_ms) {
    return f() {
        start = `date +%s%3N`.int()
        res = original_fn(...)
        end = `date +%s%3N`.int()

        if end - start > treshold_ms {
            echo("mmm, we were pretty slow...")

        return res

f my_func() {

In ABS 2, a decorator must evaluate to a function that accepts the original function and returns a new one with the "enhanced" behaviour. It's probably easier to see it in action:

f log_if_slow(treshold_ms) {
    return f(original_fn) {
        return f() {
            start = `date +%s%3N`.int()
            res = original_fn(...)
            end = `date +%s%3N`.int()

            if end - start > treshold_ms {
                echo("mmm, we were pretty slow...")

            return res

f my_func() {

As you can see there are 2 main differences:

  • the arguments to the decorator don't start with the original function anymore
  • there's an additional wrapping function, accepting the original function, in the decorator

# What more?

That's really it: upgrading to ABS 2 should be an extremely painless process!